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It’s Hot Out There

It’s Hot Out There

No matter where I go, it’s HOT! Even in the A/C I feel like I am melting. Is it me? Or is it simply life. Especially in August…just put me in a tub of ice and let me be! Think about the men and women living on the streets, now and in August, living in the...
Imma Gonna Die Out Here Anyway

Imma Gonna Die Out Here Anyway

Recently I received a request for help from a young person. They provided all the required information we need to award a scholarship, and ended their message with, “Thanx for the listen, Imma gonna die out here anyway, so if you can’t help, thx for...
The Road to Recovery – A Guest Post by Kollin James

The Road to Recovery – A Guest Post by Kollin James

The road to recovery. When encountering this phrase I immediately think of a road trip. Going from a place of origin to a place of destination. If our place of origin is Rock Bottom and our destination is Recovery Life, then a treatment center might be considered the...
Beginning Life Again: Recovery

Beginning Life Again: Recovery

We’ve now celebrated our 3 year anniversary as a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Our goals and mission have expanded slightly, but we continue to focus on scholarship support for individuals without resources seeking help for addiction. Add to this our...