Oct 14, 2021 | #changeperceptions, #ontheAIR4recovery, 10000 Beds, 501c3 Nonprofit Organization, AA, Active Addiction, Addict, Addiction, Addiction Industry, Addiction recovery, Addiction Treatment, anxiety, Ask for help, authenticity, Be A Good Listener, Be Present, Behavioral Health, Blog, breathe, Changing Lives, Choose Life, Communication, Confidentiality, Counseling, Courage, Customer Service, effective leaders, effective leadership, emotion, emotional abuse, Emotions, ethical behavior, Honesty, how to be a better listener, human, Humility, Listen, listening, Mental Health, On The Air For Recovery, onebedonelife
Recently I received a request for help from a young person. They provided all the required information we need to award a scholarship, and ended their message with, “Thanx for the listen, Imma gonna die out here anyway, so if you can’t help, thx for...
Jul 19, 2021 | Apple podcast, authenticity, jeankrisleleads, Mental Health, On The Air For Recovery, onebedonelife, podcast, recoverycoach, second chances, selfesteem, sociallydistancedworld, substanceusedisorder, you can teach an old dog new tricks
Sometimes life offers an opportunity that is SO out of your comfort zone, you must blindly run with it. Such is the case with our 10,000 Beds podcast On The Air For Recovery- we now have 15 episodes and I think we are finally getting the hang of it! An...
Nov 28, 2017 | bullying, emotional abuse, human, Mental Health, Self-Esteem, Self-Respect, Self-worth, verbal abuse
Blaming, shaming, and name calling are a few identifiers of verbal abuse which can affect a victim emotionally. The victim’s self-worth and emotional well being is altered and even diminished by the verbal abuse and the result is an emotionally abused victim....
Jan 9, 2016 | Activity, Addiction, Addiction Treatment, Behavior, Behavioral Health, Biological, Brain, Drugs, Mental Health, Morality, Self-medicating, Stress, Substance, Tolerance
Addiction is a condition that results when a person ingests a substance (e.g., alcohol, cocaine, nicotine) or engages in an activity (e.g., gambling, sex, shopping) that can be pleasurable but the continued use/act of which becomes compulsive and interferes with...
Oct 18, 2015 | Addiction, Addiction Treatment, Behavioral Health, Courtesy, Customer Service, Insurance, Mental Health, OMG, Patient Rights, Residential Treatment, VOB
Like most industries, the addiction treatment industry is filled with a plethora of abbreviated terms that can instantly confuse just about anybody outside of the industry. I was recently handed a three-page document of treatment industry acronyms. Three pages. One of...
Jul 27, 2015 | Accreditation, Addiction Treatment, Assessment, Behavioral Health, Client Care, Counseling, HIV, Involuntary, Mental Health, Patient Rights, Quality Program, Recovery, Residential Treatment, Saving Lives, Sobriety, Treatment, Voluntary
Today’s HRI blog post is borrowed from the National Institute on Drug Abuse. The principles of effective treatment are quoted directly from their website. Addiction is a complex but treatable disease that affects brain function and behavior. Drugs of abuse alter the...