Dec 11, 2018 | #CelebrateRecovery, #changeperceptions, Addict, Addiction, Addiction recovery, Ah Ha Moments, Behavior, Challenges, Change, Choice, Choose Life, Clean & Sober, confidence, Meetings
The road to recovery. When encountering this phrase I immediately think of a road trip. Going from a place of origin to a place of destination. If our place of origin is Rock Bottom and our destination is Recovery Life, then a treatment center might be considered the...
Oct 14, 2016 | 12-Steps, Addict, Addiction, Addiction Treatment, Arrest, Be A Good Parent, Believe, Changing Lives, Choice, Clean & Sober, Dad, Drugs, Get Sober, Goals, Hope, Jail, Judge, Miracle, Mom, Parental Love, Personal Story, Residential Treatment, Sober Life
First published on LinkedIn on 10/12/2016. He’s been clean and sober for 4 months now. He is reunited with his son. He is working and thriving…not through our 10,000 Beds scholarship program, but because of it. It’s been nearly a year since the call...
May 18, 2015 | Addiction, Addiction Treatment, Believe, Clean & Sober, Disease, Judge, Life, Live Again, Mirror, Pain, Poem, Recovery, Strength, Suffer, War
Today I am borrowing from a website that posts poems written for and about addiction, by addicts, their family and friends. I hope you enjoy. A powerful poem, a day in the life of an addict trying to stay clean for another day. This is for everyone who helped me. My...
Dec 20, 2014 | 12-Steps, Addiction, Clean & Sober, Friends, Goals, Gratitude, Meetings, New Year, Resolutions, Responsibility, Treatment, Truth
Let’s face it, new year resolutions can be awesome. They can also be terrifying. After all, who wants to fail….again? This year, 2014 (can you believe it – it’s 2014?!), should be a year of celebration, a year of new experiences, a year to become the best sober-you...
Nov 2, 2014 | Addiction, Choose Well, Clean & Sober, Facebook, Friends, Personal Story, Surrender
Earlier this week we posted a question on Facebook…over 3 dozen people have responded so far. The responses are motivational, inspiring and personal. Many thanks to all who shared in an effort to help others. Together we can educate the public and help those who are...