Apr 25, 2023 | #CelebrateRecovery, #changeperceptions, 10000 Beds, 10000 Beds Partner, 501c3, 501c3 Nonprofit Organization, Addict, Addiction, Be A Good Listener, Be A Good Parent, Be A Good Spouse, Be Present, be the better person, Board Members, Changing Lives, Choose Life, connection, Courage, despair, Family, Forgiveness, homeless, Hope, jeff dougherty, lost sheep, Love
No matter where I go, it’s HOT! Even in the A/C I feel like I am melting. Is it me? Or is it simply life. Especially in August…just put me in a tub of ice and let me be! Think about the men and women living on the streets, now and in August, living in the...
Apr 15, 2022 | #CelebrateRecovery, 10000 Beds, 10000 Beds Partner, 10000 Beds Scholarship Program, 501c3 Nonprofit Organization, Addiction, Addiction Industry, Addiction recovery, Addiction Treatment, Addiction Treatment Program, continuum of care, Recovery Centers of America, we heart you
Some days are just better than others. We spent today in New Jersey at the Raritan Bay facility of Recovery Centers of America. Well, we are in love. And it all happened today. Let me clarify…. We the team at Recovery Centers of America – Raritan...
Sep 8, 2021 | #CelebrateRecovery, #changeperceptions, #ontheAIR4recovery, 10000 Beds, 10000 Beds Partner, 10000 Beds Scholarship Program, 501c3 Nonprofit Organization, ACA, AMA
We are beyond pleased to announce that after seven years of actively awarding just over 1,500 addiction treatment scholarships, 10,000 Beds has received reports of only 11 of our 10,000 Beds scholarship recipients leaving treatment Against Medical or Clinical Advice....
Feb 21, 2018 | 10000 Beds Partner, Addiction Treatment Program, Alumni support, Client Care, Extraordinary Partners, Family, Insurance, Long-Term, Scholarship, Scottsdale Recovery, Substance Abuse Disorder, Success, Treatment
Let’s be honest. Who doesn’t want to visit Scottsdale, Arizona? I, for one, am always looking for a reason to return. And when I can combine business with pleasure, it’s a win-win all the way around. We are on a mission of recovery. 10,000 Beds works...