Last week, Marcella, a grieving mother, reached out to 10,000 Beds and asked if in lieu of flowers she could request donations to our organization in memory of her son, Colin Windebank (LC) who had just overdosed and died. I did not know Marcella or Colin prior to this call.
My first emotion? Grief. Grief for her loss and for a son gone too soon.
My second emotion? Wonder. Wonder that this mother was thinking beyond herself after such a devastating loss.
My third emotion? Gratitude. Gratitude for the people I meet #ontheroad4recovery and through our mission to help those without resources who are battling addiction and wanting help.
We exchanged necessary information. Marcella sent me the obituary for her beautiful son, and we added a temporary In Memoriam section at the top of our website to remember Colin. I was grateful to help this Mom grieve through her efforts to help others who are in need of help for addiction. I was grateful that she knew our board member Dan Workman, and reached out through him. I was grateful for Dan Workman and the great work he does in his own recovery. I was grateful for so many in our addiction treatment and recovery industry who go the extra mile.
At this point, we expected a few donations to come in. And they did, one after another, after another…soon reaching $1,500 – a very generous tribute from the friends and family of Colin. I kept Marcella up to date on these generous donations in honor of her son.
Marcella called me last night. She had just learned of a significant donation coming from a business owner and friend of the family. I listened in stunned silence.
My fourth emotion? Love. Love for the people who loved Colin and who love Marcella. Love for Marcella who wants her son’s life (and death) to matter, to make a difference. Love for Colin, whom I never met, but know was an amazing young man. How do I know this? By the outpouring of love in his honor – not the money donated, but the love behind it.
Every life matters. Every overdose is a loss to all of us fighting to control this terrible disease.
And every Mom who has a child battling addiction, who has lost a child to addiction, who has a child in recovery…every Mom knows: their child’s life matters. It has to. It must. Our children are precious and unique and of tremendous value. Their lives must matter.
Colin is gone too soon from this world, but we know he’s wrapping angel arms around his Mom to buoy her up. We know he’s blowing angel whispers into her ear, saying ‘thank you Mom.” Just as we say thank you to all who support our mission, and today we especially thank the family and friends of Colin Windebank (LC).
We are grateful that through you we have come to know this young man.
We are grateful that through your generous donations, dozens of addicts will be offered scholarships for addiction treatment.
We are grateful for Marcella and her generous, loving heart.
We are grateful for the life of Colin, and the difference his life will now make in the lives of others.
Today we are grateful, and tomorrow, and the next day, and beyond. We send 10,000 Beds LOVE to all who have supported Marcella and her family during this time of loss.
And today we remember Colin Windebank (LC), whose life was not lost in vain, even if lost too early.
UPDATE: to date we have received nearly $7,000 in donations In Memoriam of Colin Windebank.
10,000 Beds joins the family and friends of Colin E. Windebank (LC) in a celebration of his life. The family has reached out and asked us to accept donations in Colin’s name. We are honored and humbled by this. We send our love and appreciation to all who knew and loved Colin. #gonetoosoon
To make a donation in Colin’s name, please visit our donation page here and complete the In Memoriam section. 100% of your support will help another person battling addiction.
With 10,000 Beds love and gratitude. ~ Jean Krisle, Founder & CEO
Jean Krisle is the CEO/Founder of 10,000 Beds, Inc. a 501c3 nonprofit organization. She is also a professional speaker with past audiences around the world. Jean started 10,000 Beds after wrestling with addiction in her own family. You can support 10,000 Beds by making a contribution today to help provide scholarships for those without resources seeking help for addiction.
With a unique model of partnering with treatment programs throughout the United States, 10,000 Beds is an anomaly in the nonprofit and addiction treatment worlds. All staff and board members are 100% volunteers.
On a minimal annual budget of less than $100,000, millions of dollars in scholarships have been awarded over the past two years.
- 2016 – 10,000 Beds awarded $1,000,000 in addiction treatment scholarships
- 2017 – 10,000 Beds is on target to award $2,500,000 in addiction treatment scholarships
- 2018 – 10,000 Beds has set a goal to award $5,000,000 in treatment scholarships
This is possible because of the extraordinary treatment program partners throughout the United States. We are so very grateful.
Currently #OnTheRoad4Recovery to elevate awareness, change perceptions around addiction and recovery, and connect with partners new and old, Jean continues to inspire and provide hope to families, organizations, treatment programs and leaders. 10,000 Beds comes from a place of gratitude. Thank you for your support!