Apr 25, 2023 | #CelebrateRecovery, #changeperceptions, 10000 Beds, 10000 Beds Partner, 501c3, 501c3 Nonprofit Organization, Addict, Addiction, Be A Good Listener, Be A Good Parent, Be A Good Spouse, Be Present, be the better person, Board Members, Changing Lives, Choose Life, connection, Courage, despair, Family, Forgiveness, homeless, Hope, jeff dougherty, lost sheep, Love
No matter where I go, it’s HOT! Even in the A/C I feel like I am melting. Is it me? Or is it simply life. Especially in August…just put me in a tub of ice and let me be! Think about the men and women living on the streets, now and in August, living in the...
Jul 17, 2017 | 501c3, Addict, Addiction, Disease, Enablers, Epidemic
There’s nothing worse than being a friend or family member of someone who is battling substance abuse. It feels like you are climbing (alone) up a steep mountain (in freezing cold weather) wearing only a tank top, shorts, and flip flops. Your goal is worthy, you...
Dec 29, 2016 | 501c3, Addiction, Addiction Treatment, Ah Ha Moments, Changing Lives, donate, Goals, Heroes, Hope, Instilling Hope, Shine
Dear friends, As many of you know, I was a nonprofit consultant and professional speaker before launching 10,000 Beds, but chose to walk away from what was a very fun and even lucrative career when our family was hit again by the disease of addiction several years...