Sometimes life offers an opportunity that is SO out of your comfort zone, you must blindly run with it. Such is the case with our 10,000 Beds podcast On The Air For Recovery– we now have 15 episodes and I think we are finally getting the hang of it! An unrehearsed, unedited, sometimes personal, always interesting podcast for anyone and everyone who is recovering from something – loss, disappointment, divorce, financial challenges, health issues, addiction, or anything.
Trust me, this has been a learning experience, but one that is slowly growing on me. We started with a flashy intro and outro, but now it’s just me. I’ve learned to record, upload, publish, edit and trim an audio file for a podcast – something that wasn’t really on my bucket list. It’s been fun and I hope you listen and gain something positive by doing so.
PS I share about my personal shopping addiction in Episode 003, I share about my emotional reality as we’ve battled addiction and resulting fall out in our family in Episode 002, and my personal favorite is Episode 015 about Finding & Being Our Authentic Selves…probably because it took me so long to figure out who I was. #truth
Listen to all On The Air For Recovery podcast episodes wherever you like to listen to all of your favorite podcasts! Please join us and subscribe, rate, and review this episode, and please share with someone who needs to hear this message.