Sep 24, 2018 | #CelebrateRecovery, 10000 Beds, Addiction, Addiction recovery, Addiction Treatment, Changing Lives, Choose Life, Family, Hope, In Memoriam, Instilling Hope, Lives At Stake, Recovery
10,000 Beds was created to help individuals without resources who are seeking help for addiction. Over the past 4 years, our written mission of recovery has been redefined, expanded, focused, and edited. But over those same 4 years, our mission has never changed: we...
May 8, 2018 | #CelebrateRecovery, #changeperceptions, 501c3 Nonprofit Organization, Addict, Addiction, Addiction recovery, Addiction Treatment, Change, Changing Lives, Gratitude, Life, Life After Addiction, Live Again, Opportunity, owning the day, Reclaim Your Life, Recovery
We’ve now celebrated our 3 year anniversary as a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Our goals and mission have expanded slightly, but we continue to focus on scholarship support for individuals without resources seeking help for addiction. Add to this our...
Jan 15, 2018 | Addiction, Addiction Treatment, Love, Recovery
Too many days have passed since I’ve blogged. Too many things have happened to remember – after all, it’s a new year! But this I know: with everything that is happening in the world of addiction treatment…RECOVERY is possible. And it’s happening all around us. Media...
Oct 19, 2017 | #CelebrateRecovery, #changeperceptions, 10000 Beds Ambassador, 10000 Beds Roundtable, Addiction, Addiction Treatment, Fundly, One Thousand Club, Online Store, Parnerships, Recovery, Special Guest
What have you done with your last 1,000 days? I’ve set weight loss goals multiple times and never reached them, set financial goals multiple times and never reached them, set business goals and accomplished them #ontheroad4recovery with, but I have...
Sep 10, 2017 | Addict, Courage, Faith, Humility, Prayer, Recovery
Today in our church meetings, we were reminded of the power of prayer. A mighty prayer is like having a moment in the heavens. – Juan A. Uceda It takes faith to drop to your knees and open a conversation with your Heavenly Father. And it takes humility to be...
Sep 1, 2017 | #CelebrateRecovery, #changeperceptions, 501c3 Nonprofit Organization, Addiction, Anonymity, Campaign, Elevate Awareness, Hurricane Harvey, Nonprofit, Recovery
Our hearts have been saddened by the devastation in Houston, and touched by the outpouring of support for the lives affected by Hurricane Harvey. A hurricane often steals lives from its first hit on land, just as addiction steals lives from a person’s first hit....