Aug 26, 2021 | #CelebrateRecovery, #changeperceptions, #ontheAIR4recovery, 10000 Beds, 501c3 Nonprofit Organization, AA, Addiction, Behavioral Health, Blog, Linktree, NA, podcast, Save A Life, save an addict, Saving Lives, scholarships, technology
It’s been a long seven years of learning new things in the world of technology. Our founder, Jean Krisle, first had to learn the nuts and bolts of building a website (our website is constantly being updated with new information, resources, event announcements,...
Jun 28, 2017 | Addict, Addiction, Addiction Treatment, Be A Good Parent, Believe, Change, Changing Lives, Courage, Death, Disease, Drugs, Epidemic, Heroes, Heroin, Hope, Mothers, Parental Responsibility, Recovery, Save A Life
I’ll be honest, it’s been a pleasure and a challenge. Pulling 16,000 lbs. behind your F350 cross-country isn’t always fun. We’ve developed a hatred for potholes in particular. But mostly, we hate heroin. And all addictive substances. And the...
Mar 11, 2017 | Family, Hope, Mom, Mothers, Prison, Recovery, Save A Life, Strength, The Gray Mile, Trust, Truth, Wish
I loved the movie The Green Mile. It wrenched my heart, but I still loved it. The same cannot be said for a recent experience that I will ever remember as The Gray Mile: a long, empty, silent, seems-like-it-goes-forever, gray-painted, gray-floored, gray-door-lined...
Jul 12, 2016 | Addiction, Addiction Treatment, Choice, Enablers, Mom, Parental Love, Parental Responsibility, Parenting, Patient Rights, Residential Treatment, Save A Life, Saving Lives, Treatment
Recently I helped a mother and son. The son was in need of addiction treatment. The mother was aware. This young man had OD’d several times and was literally at risk every single day of repeating that behavior, and possibly dying. When it came time to place him, after...
Oct 9, 2014 | Ah Ha Moments, Changing Lives, Instilling Hope, Life, Live Again, Make the Call, Save A Life, Saving Lives, Scholarship
It wasn’t that long ago that a few of us were sitting around a table shaking our heads over the data in front of us. Over 3000 calls for help were being made to a friend’s call center every week, and of those 3000+ addicts, approximately half could not afford...