Mar 14, 2019 | 10000 Beds, 501c3 Nonprofit Organization, Addiction Industry, Challenges, OnTheRoad4Recovery, Trust
Update: Marcus Lemonis and Keystone RV made things right. Thank you. It’s true. Five years ago, when I had an ah-ha moment and the idea for 10,000 Beds came to me, I was ecstatic, over-the-top pumped…it was something I really wanted to do to make a...
May 11, 2018 | #CelebrateRecovery, #changeperceptions, 10KBeds, Anonymity, Confidentiality, Respect, Trust, vlog
Let’s face it, we are new at this. Vlogging is a word we barely recognize, but in this day and age that doesn’t matter. Vlogging is the rage, so vlogging it is! Below is the first two (very novice) attempts…I am certain (I really hope) we will get...
Mar 11, 2017 | Family, Hope, Mom, Mothers, Prison, Recovery, Save A Life, Strength, The Gray Mile, Trust, Truth, Wish
I loved the movie The Green Mile. It wrenched my heart, but I still loved it. The same cannot be said for a recent experience that I will ever remember as The Gray Mile: a long, empty, silent, seems-like-it-goes-forever, gray-painted, gray-floored, gray-door-lined...
Sep 24, 2015 | Addiction, Forbes, Oprah, Sober Companion, Sobriety, Success, Trust
Tonight I was reflecting on the many false starts I’ve experienced over the years of owning my own businesses and my thoughts jumped to the damaging “false starts” a recovering addict can experience. So much of life’s success, whether in business, marriage...
Feb 9, 2015 | Addict, Addiction, Addiction Treatment, Ask for help, Community, Friends, Life, Live Again, Make the Call, Recovery, Sobriety, Treatment, Trust, Truth
We recently posted a generic comment on Facebook about addicts, reminding us, basically, that “addicts are us” – and asked the following question: What Does An Addict Look Like? The answer is, of course, you and me. Addicts look like you and me. Look across the...