Oct 14, 2016 | 12-Steps, Addict, Addiction, Addiction Treatment, Arrest, Be A Good Parent, Believe, Changing Lives, Choice, Clean & Sober, Dad, Drugs, Get Sober, Goals, Hope, Jail, Judge, Miracle, Mom, Parental Love, Personal Story, Residential Treatment, Sober Life
First published on LinkedIn on 10/12/2016. He’s been clean and sober for 4 months now. He is reunited with his son. He is working and thriving…not through our 10,000 Beds scholarship program, but because of it. It’s been nearly a year since the call...
Oct 9, 2016 | Addiction, Changing Lives, Instilling Hope, Jail, Mom, Parental Love, Parenting, Saving Lives, The Gray Mile
I loved the movie The Green Mile. It wrenched my heart, but I still loved it. The same cannot be said for a recent experience that I will ever remember as The Gray Mile: a long, empty, silent, seems-like-it-goes-forever, gray-painted, gray-floored, gray-door-lined...
Mar 9, 2016 | Addict, Addiction, Arrest, Drink alone, Jail, Self-medicating, Suicidal, Treatment
The following questions from the brochure “Am I An Addict” were written by recovering addicts in Narcotics Anonymous. Whether your addiction is drugs, alcohol, gambling, internet, pornography, food, sex, shopping, etc….these questions apply. If your addiction is not...