Today in our church meetings, we were reminded of the power of prayer.
A mighty prayer is like having a moment in the heavens. – Juan A. Uceda
It takes faith to drop to your knees and open a conversation with your Heavenly Father. And it takes humility to be still and listen. And it takes courage to follow the promptings received. Prayer is serious business.
And yet there are many who do not recognize the power of prayer. Or the reality of it.
For the doubters, who can’t imagine a God who can listen to millions of people praying for millions of different things at one time, I challenge you to try. If millions can talk to loved one’s on the other side of the world (or next door) through our cell phones at the same time, why does it seem so impossible that we can talk to our Father in Heaven through prayer?
We don’t have to understand how it works, we simply need to recognize that is DOES work.
Faith is a key element in many recovery stories. Faith in a higher power. Renewed faith in ourselves. A new faith in the process of starting life over again.
Recovery is rebirth, bringing someone who was near death back to life. Prayer makes this possible.
Ask yourself, how many times have I prayed in my lifetime? Hopefully that number will increase steadily from this day on.
Prayer is powerful. Pray from your heart. Pray out loud. Pray as if you’re speaking to your Father, because that’s what you are doing. And then wait, pause, listen….and the answer will come.
Why? Because he loves you. It’s as simple as that.
Jean Krisle is the CEO/Founder of 10,000 Beds, Inc. a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Our mission is recovery. We are currently #OnTheRoad4Recovery for at least a year to elevate awareness, change perceptions around addiction and recovery, and connect with partners new and old. You can connect with Jean at the 2017 ETHOS conferences in Chicago, Denver, Philadelphia and New Orleans. You can support 10,000 Beds by making a contribution today to help provide scholarships for those without resources seeking help for addiction.