Jun 5, 2021 | 10000 Beds, Addiction, Be Present, Honesty, Leader, Leadership, Professionalism, Witness
It was mid-term, seventh grade. I was in my home economics class and we had just finished ironing stencils on aprons. On that particular day we had a substitute. When the bell rang, the classroom emptied faster than I’d ever seen it, and before cleaning up the...
Apr 19, 2021 | #ontheAIR4recovery, 10000 Beds, Addiction, Family, Jean Krisle, News to Use, Stigma, Substance Use Disorder
Addiction is a chronic disease that changes the brain. Addiction is the third leading cause of preventable death in the United States. Addiction’s estimated annual cost to businesses is nearly $200 Billion. Addiction affects one in every three families. Only one...
Mar 2, 2021 | #CelebrateRecovery, 10000 Beds, 10KBeds, Addiction, Addiction recovery, Addiction Treatment, Be Present, Behavior, Choice, Choose Well, Client First, Code of Ethics, Courage, Ethics, ethics done right, fast lane leader, fast-lane leadership, Habits, Honor, Integrity, Leader, Leadership, Moral Judgement, Morality, Nonprofit, Professionalism, Reputation, Rules
Rules are made to be broken. Right? Wrong! We all laugh when we hear the old adage, but unfortunately there are many who adopt this as their way of living. Successful leadership demands a higher level of behavior. At 10,000 Beds we hold ourselves to a high standard....
Mar 15, 2020 | 12-Steps, Addiction, Al-Anon, American Addiction Foundation, Co-Dependents Anonymous, CoDA, Codependency, Enabling, Meetings
Codependency: Are You Helping Your Loved One Stay Sick? Loved ones of an addicted individual are usually the ones who make the initial contact to a treatment centers or an interventionist. They know that the person they love has a substance abuse disorder, and they...
Dec 19, 2019 | #CelebrateRecovery, Addiction, holiday, holiday cheer, kindness
The holidays are a stressful time for all of us, but more so for people in recovery from a substance use disorder, as well as the many battling depression (often without us being aware). Your time and support during this holiday time is critically important to your...
Mar 19, 2019 | 10000 Beds, 501c3 Nonprofit Organization, AA, Addict, Addiction, Addiction Industry, Addiction recovery, Al-Anon, Arrogance, Believe, Enable, NA, Ostracism, Punitive, Support
WARNING: SOAPBOX MOMENT I am so tired of ignorant people – friends, family, colleagues – who believe ostracism and extreme punitive behavior is the appropriate response to someone who has battled addiction and is in recovery. I am so tired of arrogant...