Mar 2, 2021 | #CelebrateRecovery, 10000 Beds, 10KBeds, Addiction, Addiction recovery, Addiction Treatment, Be Present, Behavior, Choice, Choose Well, Client First, Code of Ethics, Courage, Ethics, ethics done right, fast lane leader, fast-lane leadership, Habits, Honor, Integrity, Leader, Leadership, Moral Judgement, Morality, Nonprofit, Professionalism, Reputation, Rules
Rules are made to be broken. Right? Wrong! We all laugh when we hear the old adage, but unfortunately there are many who adopt this as their way of living. Successful leadership demands a higher level of behavior. At 10,000 Beds we hold ourselves to a high standard....
Jul 20, 2018 | Communication, effective leaders, effective leadership, ethical behavior, Ethics, eye single to the glory of god, fast-lane leaders, fast-lane leadership, healthy living, healthy thinking, Leadership, myopic, tunnel vision, vision, visionary
Myopic perspective. I don’t know about you, but this is something I sometimes struggle with because I’m too close, I’m too involved, I’m too emotional. I’m too________(fill-in-the-blank). Myopic thinking – lack of discernment or...
May 19, 2018 | #CelebrateRecovery, #changeperceptions, 10000 Beds, Addiction Industry, Addiction Treatment, Client Care, Ethics, ethics done right, fast-lane leaders, fast-lane leadership, fastlane2success, Patient Brokering, Referrals, Rehab, Treatment
There was a time in the addiction treatment industry when marketing referrals were the status quo. This was before greed set in. But it was there, and it was real, and a lot of people want to forget that it was the norm. But that doesn’t change reality....