Apr 30, 2018 | #CelebrateRecovery, Active Addiction, Addiction, Addiction recovery, Changing Lives, Choose Life, determination, Faith, Family, Forgiveness, Hope, Life After Addiction, Living Clean, Love, Resolve
Yes, it’s real. Life after active addiction can be amazing. If we let it be. Addiction steals souls and lives. So when an individual is able to pull themselves from the abyss of addiction, leave the darkness behind, rebuild their life, and embrace this new life...
May 15, 2017 | Addiction, Alcohol, Choose Life, Cocaine, Enablers, Family, Giving Back, Gratitude, Grief., Hope, Mom, Mothers, Parental Love, Recovery
Several years ago my world was turned upside down. I discovered that my amazing son, the guy everyone loved and respected, the 4th degree black belt and father of two, a good looking, funny, hard working guy, was an addict and an alcoholic. But it wasn’t something I...
Feb 4, 2017 | Choice, Choose Life, Choose Well, Life, What if
What if,,, there are so many what if’s in life. What if she never took that first drink? What if we hadn’t gone to that party? What if they hadn’t come back to the house? What if we hadn’t got behind the wheel? What if he had not stayed...