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The One Thousand Club has been especially created to show appreciation for our generous $100 donors!

BUT, membership is limited to the first 1,000 people who donate $100 on our dedicated One Thousand Club page.

As a One Thousand Club member, you are one of 1,000 extraordinary people who have donated $100 to support the 10,000 Beds mission of recovery. We consider you a 10,000 Beds VIP.

Click here for the One Thousand Club donation page and join the team!

Your $100 contribution directly supports the 10,000 Beds scholarship program helping those without resources into addiction treatment:

  • In 2016, we awarded more than $1,000,000 in addiction treatment scholarships.

  • In 2017, we are on target to award at least $2,500,000 in addiction treatment scholarships.

  • In 2018 we will work toward our goal of $5,000,000 in addiction treatment scholarships.

Just imagine what we can do with YOU on the team!

As a 10,000 Beds VIP, we invite you to share your story (write it down and email it to, and also to help us share the 10,000 Beds mission and message of recovery.

As a One Thousand Club member you will have the opportunity to help with events, marketing, fundraising, and outreach. We value your input. We can always use your help.

We consider you part of 10,000 Beds team now – something we are grateful for and something you can be proud of. WELCOME!

Benefits of One Thousand Club Membership

  • You will receive advance notice of all of our events.

  • You will receive a semi-annual One Thousand Club Newsletter, highlighting where we’ve been #ontheroad4recovery, who we’ve met, along with introductions of our new partners and sponsors, and a One Thousand Club Member Spotlight (yes, that’s you! – we want to know why you share our passion for recovery and we want to share your story – only with your permission, of course).

  • You will be the first to know of new 10,000 Beds programs, and have the opportunity to share your thoughts with us.

  • You will receive a special sticker to display indicating you are a 10,000 Beds Supporter.

  • You will receive special discounted prices on all 10,000 Beds online store merchandise, including logo shirts, ball caps, license plate holders, mugs, water bottles, stickers, etc. And TODAY YOU GET A CLUB TSHIRT! (online store will launch November 1, 2017).

  • You will have preferred seating at our Inaugural 10,000 Beds #Celebrate Recovery Conference to be held in Park City, Utah in Fall 2018 – exact date and location to be announced. (we are talking with several venues now!)

  • You will have access to a unique by-invitation-only One Thousand Club Facebook Page, to connect with other Club members, receive current information, ask questions and stay connected! And we will add the #onethousandclub hashtag to our @10000Beds Twitter posts, so you can follow unique tweets for the Club!

  • You will be invited to participate in 10,000 Beds Roundtables with addiction treatment professionals and recovery advocates, along with family members and individuals whose lives have been affected by addiction.

  • You will receive a One Thousand Club shirt (can you tell we are excited about this? we’ve mentioned it twice already! You get a FREE One Thousand Club TSHIRT, only for Club members.

  • Your name will be added to the One Thousand Club Donor Wall on our 10,000 Beds website.