Anyone can help save a life today by raising funds for 10,000 Beds. It’s really easy. 

Here’s what you do:

  1. Plan an event to share with your circle of friends, family and colleagues. 
    1. Ideas: Run a race, throw a party, host “10,000 Beds Day” at your school.
  2. Set a goal of how much you’d like to raise to benefit 10,000 Beds. 
    1. Every dollar counts, no amount is too little. And of course, no amount is too great!
  3. Create an online fundraising page to share with your family and friends. 
    1. Our awesome partner, Stay Classy, makes it easy to create your own fundraising page. Learn more here. 

Feel free to call us for ideas and help so that you can get started now and save a life TODAY!